Tuesday 20 December 2011

Harrier Fest

Lucky days with the harriers continued today, with a visit to Roydon Common. It was virtually birdless, just a few meadow pipits, a hovering kestrel and the usual corvids until a fine ringtail harrier appeared briefly over the main bog. We carried on walking up to the military tower and then retraced our steps. The ringtail reappeared and then a superb pale grey male bird, standing out nicely against the trees behind, quartered to and fro, flushing a 2nd ringtail in the process. Then, just as it was too dark to see properly - that'll be about 4.15pm then! - a pale raptor with long blunt wings appeared briefly in the distance, probably a short-eared owl. Great afternoon walk!

Monday 19 December 2011

Down the Okavango

Had a quick walk around Foulden Common last week, much transformed by what one hopes is officially sanctioned management work in what was once the impenetrable swampy centre – now mown and with rides cut across it, which will hopefully restore botanical diversity and perhaps help former breeding birds like snipe to return. Saw a buzzard and a sparrowhawk, flushed a single woodcock and at least two snipe. Several hares enjoying the new rides, too.

 New-style Foulden Okavango - now possible to walk across the middle of the bog...

The clearance has opened up watercourses that were probably choked before by overgrown vegetation. Snipe were busy feeding alongside this stretch.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Gone with The Wind

No sign of the Pallid Harrier on two subsequent visits to Ferry Road (although the Short-eared Owl was out hunting and gave great views), so perhaps it was just passing through... Very strong winds yesterday and today will have undoubtedly helped it on its way. Meanwhile, had a brief glimpse of a Water Rail swimming across the Gadder at the bridge yesterday morning. Only the second time I've seen one in Oxborough, but they're so elusive that it's hard to believe there aren't more lurking out there.